
Thursday, 9 August 2012

Tui Report


The tui are a native icon to New Zealand.  They are a well known bird that has black feathers and a white puff under the chin.

A tui is able to be found throughout New Zealand and also be found in some offshore islands.  They like to live in a offshore area is because there are a lot of insects and nectar and forest scrub they also fly to a normal area to feed themselves and they like open areas like country and gardens.

Tuis like to eat berries and lots of fruit but they also like insects and nectar.  Their young are usually fed little bits of nectar and small insects.  Just a little older tuis are fed on spiders, berries, moths and large amounts of insects.

Tuis like to sing first thing in the morning and they sing a wide range of notes it sound like bells, croaks, coughs and squeaks.

Tuis take two weeks for the eggs to hatch, parents move to offshore islands in November and December, the nesting season. Tuis lay 2 to 4 eggs at a time.


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