
Tuesday 2 July 2013

My Number Sentences

Sione was working out how much money he had.  He started with $482 in the bank, spent $152 on an MP3 player, $50 on DVDs, and $25 on food. Write a number sentence to show how much money Sione has left.
482-152=330 -50=280 -25=255
Max has been working out how many runs in total he has got for his team.  So far he has scored 18, 24, 60, 103, and 25 runs.  Write a number sentence to show how many runs he has scored so far.
103+60=163 +24=187 +18=105 +25=130
Awhina had 640 marbles.  She decided to give them away to her family.  She gave 90 to her younger sister, 80 to her brother, 30 to her mother and 50 to her father. Write a number sentence to show how many marbles Awhina had left.
640-90=550 550-80=475 475-30=445 445-50=395

Mere went shopping for Easter eggs.  She bought 7 packets of 5 eggs. Write a number sentence to show how many Easter eggs Mere bought altogether.

Maraea was training for a swimming race.  For the first 3 days she swam for 2 hours a day. For the next 3 days she swam for 5 hours a day. Write a number sentence to show how many hours she swam over the 6 days.
3X2=6  3X5=15 6+5=21

Hamish gave away all his old Dragonball Z cards.  He had 28 cards and shared them equally between his 7 friends. Write a number sentence to show how many cards they get each.
27÷ 7=4

Write a story problem for the number sentence: 70 + 15 + 25 = __110___
Tom had 70 cards and his friend had 15 and his other friend had 25. How many cards do they have all together.
Write a story problem for the number sentence: 365 – 160 – 50 – 123 = ___32_
jake carried 365 litres of water in a bucket while he was walking he dropped 160 litres he continued on and dropped another 50 litres of water and also another 123. How much water does he have left ?

Write a story problem for the number sentence: 3 × 5 = __15__
A monkey has three sack of bananas, there is 5 bananas in each sack. How much Bananas were in the sacks altogether?

Write a story problem for the number sentence: 24 ÷ 4 = _6__
Jack had 24 cards and wanted to separate them evenly between 4 friend. How many did each friend get?        

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